“We use only the lowest quality ingredients!” — Alma Soap Co.
In marketing today it sounds so cliché to talk about using only the “highest quality ingredients” that I try my best to avoid saying it. It’s meaningless. I mean, really, would anyone tell you if they didn’t? They may not even know themselves. The proof is in the product, whatever it is.
I was asked recently about the quality of the ingredients we use, and was able to respond with pride, ‘We don’t know, and we don’t care!’ — John, Alma Soap
Sometimes I think it would be fun to say that we use the highest quality ingredients so long as it is convenient and cost effective to do so, and use rather low quality ingredients the rest of the time. The fun is for the customer to figure out which is which!
Okay, so my sense of humor has often gotten me in a lot of trouble. The truth is that we have never used higher quality ingredients in our soap than we do right now, and at this point it is not even cost-effective for us to use anything less.
Most of what becomes handmade soap starts out as oil, and the quality of the oil truly does affect the quality of the final soap. It takes good oil to make good soap.
It is a fact that today we purchase all of our oils in bulk from one of the largest suppliers in the country. This guarantees that they are as fresh as possible, and are supplied by someone who truly knows oils. Everything else we use: essential oils, fragrances, clays, colorants, et cetera, are purchased only from premium suppliers. Experience has been a good teacher, and is backed up by the fact that I don’t like being second-best at anything.
So rest assured that in everything we do we are striving to make the absolute best products we can, while at the same time providing you with good value. Although we may occasionally make jokes about it, we actually do take this very very seriously.
— John, lost in trying to not take life too seriously…