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New Labels and New Packing Material

First off, we have pretty much done away with our old paper labels that we once banded the soaps with. We have transitioned to a much smarter looking glassine (wax paper) bag that is individually labeled for each soap. These are good for multiple reasons and have been very well received.

Also, in December of this year we began packing all of our orders with shredded cardboard instead of packing peanuts. I may have missed one, but I don’t think so.

For those who don’t know, I have been huge into composting the last few years, turning just about every shred of paper or cardboard I can into dirt — even requesting material from others. The amount of trash and recycle I create in a month is incredibly low, especially since I try to buy whole foods in bulk, make most of what I eat from scratch, have access each year to two bountiful gardens, drink a lot of plain water (from a well), and try to reuse glass jars as much as I can. Okay, so I’m into all this.

What was exciting though was to hear one of our customers say that they LOVED the new packing material. She said that it was going straight to her flower garden. Yes!

The simple things that excite…. love it.


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Random Thoughts on a Weekend

This was posted to Facebook on 11/24 – I have been terrible about keeping our own actual blog updated… and I have no shortage of things to say!

We took part in a great show yesterday and I was very pleased to be invited. I hope to see again many of the friends I made there. I give special thanks to our great hostess Shelly who is so much fun to be around, and to my close friend and sister Jennifer who was essential in making all this happen.

A few quick thoughts…
Those of you who know me well know that reflect on things a lot. One of the things I know is that I fail to toot our own horn very loud or even very often, generally leaving that to others. It’s certainly not bragging to say so (laugh) – and it is not particularly conducive to growing a thriving business. I do however recognize it as one of my own deficits. In past businesses in past years I compensated by hiring people who made up for this.

A decision to grow a business is based on many things. Does one who performs accounting work, for example, choose to rent an office and hire a secretary, or just work from home and stay small, but still be able to take vacations when they want?

Alma Soap, started on a Wisconsin farm for something to get through the long winters, has kind of been in this predicament. We (mostly me) love making soap, combining scents, making salves, lip balms, lotions, laundry boosters, bath salts, and even candles on occasion – and have actually spent quite a lot of money on all the stuff with which to do this. Still the question lingers: Do we get serious, or just kind of stay where we are?

Well, I am running late to be somewhere tonight, and am sorry to leave this hanging. I wanted however to post something here to let you all know that we are still alive and trying to finish getting soaps poured like crazy for the holidays (yes, I know, we do this every year). I will update you more soon, as well as trying to finish my previous thoughts!


Love to all…